Security Briefs
On September 25, 2017, hackers gained access to Deloitte’s global email server through an administrative account that was not properly secured. Ensure your network is prepared to ward off hackers from gaining access to your business-sensitive information. Find out what we know about the breach, how the attack took place and what we can learn from this breach.
On September 7, 2017, a large-scale data breach was announced. Equifax, one of the three major credit reporting agencies, revealed that a data breach may have affected 143 million consumers by exposing Social Security numbers and other personal information. Learn what Equifax revealed, who was affected and steps you can take to protect your personal information.
On May 3, 2017, a massive phishing attack targeted Google Docs, and anyone with a Gmail account was a potential victim. Learn how the attack slipped by Google, how this type of phishing attack was different and tips to avoid becoming a phishing attack victim.
Read this security brief to better understand how the Dyn DDoS attack in October 2016 took place, and what you can do to ensure your devices don’t fall victim to hackers.
Locky: Security BriefFind out what Locky ransomware is, how it’s spread, how it works and what you can do to protect yourself and your network.